This is how baby bears are trained for the circus

Young bears being trained for the circus in the most cruel way (China).

Well, depressing as it is, bears are still performing in some circuses. Many circuses have dispensed with animal performers because it has been banned and of course it is cruel as the training of these young bears shows. I sense that most of these objectionable …

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Sport hunter looks like an AH and IS an AH

Sport hunter is an AH

The picture (words added by me) from Twitter sums up what I mean about sport hunters being AHs (arseholes). Yep, I am being rude. Being rude is mild compared to the death and destruction that sport hunters hand out to wildlife often on the African …

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Puppy as a prize put in a tiny cage so he can’t move (animals become ‘objects’)

Treating animals as inanimate objects by putting them in tiny cages where they can't move when they are prizes

Animals as prizes put in tiny cages so they can’t move (animals become ‘objects’). The Twitter tweet states: “May 1st, Kaifeng, Henan China Animals put in small cages as prizes. The little dog couldn’t stretch his limbs inside, and was trembling every time someone threw …

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Time for horse racing to be banned like any other abusive animal exploitation

Horse dies on race track

The sound track to this Twitter video is inappropriate which gives it a sick quality. Perhaps that is why it was added. To juxtapose the horror visuals and the music. Personally, I’d ban horse racing full-stop. Of course, it won’t happen as there are too …

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Leopard-print $26m home of Ivana Trump won’t sell. Thoughts on why.

The sitting room showing leopard-print furnishings

The Times reports on the struggle to sell the house where Ivana Trump lived in New York city. It has been on sale for five months and it has failed to find a buyer. A visitor said that walking into the house is like stepping …

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Frogs are dismembered while alive and discarded to take their legs for consumption

Frogs' legs

NEWS AND COMMENT: Did you realise that the well-known dish that the French love, frogs’ legs in garlic, are the product of mass animal cruelty? That’s what animal activists have said at the world’s biggest celebration of frogs legs in Vittel, eastern France. It is …

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Climate change is making children depressed

Kids depressed over climate change

I have generalised in the title but I want to make the point that the adult humans of this planet through their carelessness and lack of foresight have led children down the path of global warming which is making them depressed. It is the children …

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China has Sri Lanka in a debt stranglehold forcing them to export 100,000 macaque monkeys for lab testing

Toque macaque

NEWS AND COMMENT/OPINION: In my view, this is a terrible example of how humankind has totally screwed up its relationship with animals. In this instance two parties, Sri Lanka and China, are the miscreants. They are the bad boys. Sri Lanka has got into a …

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Post Category: Animal cruelty