According to a girl who was walking her 12-year-old dog, Bruno, in a beautiful woodland area in The Netherlands (the Strokelbos), her country is too small for the wolf. What she means is that The Netherlands has a high human density because it’s a small …
Captain Paul Watson is a hero to animal advocates and a thorn in the flesh to Japan. He is the protector of whales. He will risk his life to protect whales. He feels that it is necessary to take extreme measures; direct physical measures in …
NEWS AND OPINION: Britain is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world according to the present government’s environment minister, Steve Reed. The Labour government is freshly in place and they have promised to take a fresh look at the wildlife blueprint for the …
This is a disturbing development in what is now quite a long-running story of orcas (killer whales) attacking small boats in the Mediterranean Sea. To an outsider like me it appears very deliberate and it also appears that they are defending their territory. That’s a …
The title is no understatement. For conservationists it is sickening. How much cocaine is being snorted by humans across the planet daily? We don’t know but we do know that the number of people dying from cocaine poisoning in the United States has been steadily …
The UK is suffering from a catastrophic decline in insect numbers and it is believed that this is due to farming and climate change. Research has been conducted by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. The researchers found that from 1970 to the end of …
The UK is going through a bit of an economic malaise. Productivity is too low. Too many people who should be economically active are not and have decided to take health welfare payments instead and watch television which is why during the current general election, …
The beauty of Geat Britain is in its landscape and in its nature; the wildlife. This green and pleasant land is so often no longer green and pleasant. And the UK government has done far too little to protect the UK’s wildlife. We are in …
In Sussex, UK, a nice bit of successful bird conservation is taking place. It concerns the butcher bird (or butcherbird) – the red-backed shrike – which was abundant across England and Wales in the 19th century. Pressure from egg collectors and intensified agricultural practices caused …