England’s salmon stocks at lowest on record. Infographic.

England's salmon stocks at the lowest in modern recorded history

England and Wales, UK: A sign of the modern times when pollution and other human-made pressures on nature generally and wildlife are at a peak and worsening despite an increased awareness of the problems. The succinct infographic provides the essential, disturbing information for those concerned …

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Sea Life London Aquarium say their facility is vet approved. Animal advocates hate it.

Sea Life London Aquarium

A group of animal activists/advocates/celebrities under the umbrella of the wildlife charity Freedom for Animals have claimed that the penguins at Sea Life London Aquarium live under conditions which are unacceptable and where there is “no daylight, no fresh air, and just a pitiful pool …

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Orcas make coordinated attack on boat off Gibraltar and sink it. Ongoing killer whale behaviour.

Orcas coordinate attack on boat in Med

This is a disturbing development in what is now quite a long-running story of orcas (killer whales) attacking small boats in the Mediterranean Sea. To an outsider like me it appears very deliberate and it also appears that they are defending their territory. That’s a …

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Post Category: Marine wildlife > whales