California has recently enacted a groundbreaking law that bans both the farming and sale of farmed octopus products. Signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 27, 2024, this legislation, known as the Oppose Cruelty to Octopuses (OCTO) Act, aims to address ethical and environmental concerns …
I know a lot about the selective breeding of purebred cats! I never thought that I would read about the selective breeding of coal reefs but it’s become necessary as a stopgap measure to try and allow coral reefs to survive the rising temperatures in …
England and Wales, UK: A sign of the modern times when pollution and other human-made pressures on nature generally and wildlife are at a peak and worsening despite an increased awareness of the problems. The succinct infographic provides the essential, disturbing information for those concerned …
Dolphins smile at playmates to signal friendliness by Michael Broad The Dolphin smile is something that we have seen a lot of. Interestingly, the researchers found that dolphins did not use the open-mouthed gesture while playing with humans. It almost always takes place between two …
A group of animal activists/advocates/celebrities under the umbrella of the wildlife charity Freedom for Animals have claimed that the penguins at Sea Life London Aquarium live under conditions which are unacceptable and where there is “no daylight, no fresh air, and just a pitiful pool …
Captain Paul Watson is a hero to animal advocates and a thorn in the flesh to Japan. He is the protector of whales. He will risk his life to protect whales. He feels that it is necessary to take extreme measures; direct physical measures in …
This is a disturbing development in what is now quite a long-running story of orcas (killer whales) attacking small boats in the Mediterranean Sea. To an outsider like me it appears very deliberate and it also appears that they are defending their territory. That’s a …
The video on Twitter indicates to me that this whale deliberately attacked this small boat and capsized it. Why? Well, it mirrors what has been happening in the Mediterranean and the reason is officially unknown but to me it seems as if the whales are …
The infographic below explains what is going on. Japan have allegedly been circumventing the protection of whales for years under the spurious declaration that they are involved in scientific research. Does anyone believe that when 1,000-2,000 tonnes of whale meat is consumed in Japan annually? …