The beauty of the UK is being despoiled, polluted and destroyed at an unprecedented rate

Packham's march in central London

The beauty of Geat Britain is in its landscape and in its nature; the wildlife. This green and pleasant land is so often no longer green and pleasant. And the UK government has done far too little to protect the UK’s wildlife. We are in …

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American mink, an invasive species in the UK, successfully culled from two counties to protect water voles

Thanks to a novel trapping system, the eradication of the American mink from Suffolk and Norfolk in the UK has been successful in protecting the water vole. The American mink is a non-native species and the water vole is a protected native species that was gradually becoming extinct due to predation by the American mink.

In the UK, the American mink is an invasive species. They were brought to the UK for fur farms in the last century. Thousands of them escaped and are now established in the countryside. They threaten some of UK’s native species including the water vole …

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Northern bald ibises taught to migrate south by surrogate mothers piloting microlights

Northern bald ibis

This is a great story all about the best in humankind. The northern bald ibis was hunted to extinction in Europe in the Middle Ages. The bird habitually migrates south from northern Europe, as I understand it. A project concerning the conservation of this bird …

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Post Category: Birds