Springer Spaniel guided owner to her lost cat who had fallen down a mine shaft six days earlier

Daisy and Mowgli

Daisy, a springer spaniel, as being called a ‘hero hound’ mimicking Lassie. It is indeed a storyline worthy of the well-known animal film star Lassie. Michele Rose, 59, lives with Daisy, the springer spaniel and Mowgli, a black-and-white cat and Baloo another cat. Mowgli went …

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Australia’s traditional First Peoples buried pet dingoes

Australia's traditional First Peoples buried pet dingoes

The Conversation (a website) commissioned a study on Australia’s famous dingo and whether this feted animal was domesticated and became wild or has always been a wild dog and how the aboriginal people of Australia (Australia’s First Peoples) interacted with the it. The study is …

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John Steinbeck’s dog partly ate his Of Mice and Men manuscript (2-months’ work)

John Steinbeck

The dog-eaten remains in the form of a torn fragment of John Steinbeck’s handwritten draft of Of Mice and Men is to be sold at auction with an estimate sale price of $3000 at Bonhams auction house. The destruction occurred 77 years ago. Imagine how …

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Bidens’ German Shepherd, Commander, banished from the White House


The Times headline is “First Dog hounded out of White House”. So, it has finally happened. Commander has been banished from the White House at last after biting at least 11 people. The place simply wasn’t right for him. There were suggestions that he should …

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Sexual behaviour with the same-sex in the animal world is about keeping the peace

Gay animals?

There is quite a lot of discussion on the Internet about whether companion animals can be gay and looking wider to all other animals it is an interesting thought as to whether they can be ‘gay’ as is the case in humans. Some recent research …

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Post Category: Dogs > dog behaviour