Britain is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world according to the environment minister

NEWS AND OPINION: Britain is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world according to the present government’s environment minister, Steve Reed. The Labour government is freshly in place and they have promised to take a fresh look at the wildlife blueprint for the …

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Cruel culling of Australia’s wild horses, brumbies

A fictional Brumble, an Australian wild horse created by AI

NEWS AND OPINION: This morning, I am shocked at Australia’s further animal abuses but I am unsurprised because they’ve been shooting feral cats and foxes for ages while completely disregarding the cruelty of the practice. And this morning, The Times reports on the shocking cruelty …

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American mink, an invasive species in the UK, successfully culled from two counties to protect water voles

Thanks to a novel trapping system, the eradication of the American mink from Suffolk and Norfolk in the UK has been successful in protecting the water vole. The American mink is a non-native species and the water vole is a protected native species that was gradually becoming extinct due to predation by the American mink.

In the UK, the American mink is an invasive species. They were brought to the UK for fur farms in the last century. Thousands of them escaped and are now established in the countryside. They threaten some of UK’s native species including the water vole …

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Millions of dead fish blanket the Darling River, Australia due to climate change and mismanagement

Millions of dead fish blanket the Darling River in Australia due to mismanagement and climate change.

There is a pretty shocking photograph on the Internet today of millions of small dead fish blanketing the Darling River in western New South Wales which has clearly become uninhabitable. The fish species are herring, perch and carp for example. One local person, Graeme McCrabb …

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Tasmanian devils being slaughtered on Tasmania’s killer road

Tasmanian devil

NEWS AND COMMENT-TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA: There is a 15-mile stretch of road in Tasmania on which 160 endangered Tasmanian devils have been killed within the past 18 months (unnamed road). Animal advocates are in despair as our conservationists. And the Tasmanian devil needs all the conservation …

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Australia’s coalmining is probably more damaging to their native species than feral cats

Open coal mine emitting methane is huge quantities

Australians are famous for blaming the approximate 2 million feral cats on their continent for the loss of millions of animals of native species primarily marsupials and mammals. A lot of effort has gone into eradicating the ‘pest’ of feral cats from the continent in …

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Classic story of wildlife conservation versus destruction of habitat for commercial reasons in Australia

Golden-shouldered parrot under threat from Mr Harris's plans

NEWS AND COMMENT: This story from Australia highlights the battle between the conservation of native wild species on that continent and commerce which often wants to destroy the habitat of the species in order to commercialise property which in this instance is 2,000 ha of …

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Post Category: Conservation