Iridium, a GPS firm, encourages the overfishing of yellowfin tuna

Yellowfin tuna

Chris Packham, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Amanda Holden, and others have asked Iridium, a GPS firm, to halt real-time GPS tracking because it’s being used to overfish yellowfin tuna. My understanding is that Iridium’s GPS devices communicate with Fish Aggregating Devices which allows fishing fleets to …

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Let’s remember Lolita, the orca held in captivity for 50 years who died just before her release


I would like to remember Lolita, the orca held in captivity for 50 years. She was due to be released into the ocean but instead she suddenly passed away. She never saw the ocean again. Her birthright, her habitat, her place to live from where …

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Ice is disappearing from Antarctica and so are the emperor penguins

Emperor penguins are disappearing with the Antartica ice

Emperor penguins need ice on which to live. Emperor penguin colonies live on ice. They lay their eggs on ice and feed their chicks on ice. Scientists tell us that this vital element of the emperor penguin’s habitat is disappearing from parts of Antarctica which …

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Couple in love take selfie in crazily polluted river clogged with rubbish

Couple take selfie in the Ganges

Well, what do you make of these photos? They are shocking and they are no doubt meant to shock. They are excellent quality and very clever because I believe that they are excellent examples of photo-editing. Their validity is helped by the fact that it …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > behaviour