Let’s bend it like Beckham but this time it’s about fishing which apparently is a new passion for David Beckham. He likes to salmon fish. And in this story, there are two aspects, as I see it, to David Beckham’s salmon fishing, (1) there’s been …
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Chris Packham, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Amanda Holden, and others have asked Iridium, a GPS firm, to halt real-time GPS tracking because it’s being used to overfish yellowfin tuna. My understanding is that Iridium’s GPS devices communicate with Fish Aggregating Devices which allows fishing fleets to …
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Krill are small crustaceans, the bedrock of many marine species across all the oceans and in the Antarctic. They are considered to be the key to the health of fish, whale populations and penguins in the Antarctic. Although the Chinese have resolutely denied it, James …
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Perhaps we have the impression that sharks are nasty predators that attack people at any opportunity. Sharks are certainly persecuted by humans. They are endangered actually mainly because of the insatiable appetite in Asia for shark find soup. It is wiping the species out. But …
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I am troubled about fish. I eat fish because like millions of others I like it and it is nutritious. But I’m troubled with the way humankind relates to fish in terms of catching them and killing them. We seem to think that they are …
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For me, this video is frankly disgusting. I hate it and can barely bring myself to watch it. It is just bloody horrible. These are fish living in clay-based mud. I am not an expert of these species, but it seems that these videos show …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.