Perhaps we have the impression that sharks are nasty predators that attack people at any opportunity. Sharks are certainly persecuted by humans. They are endangered actually mainly because of the insatiable appetite in Asia for shark find soup. It is wiping the species out. But …
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The question is asking whether the shark attacks on people that we read about are the result of a small number of rogue sharks who have a grudge against the human race and repeatedly attack humans swimming offshore. One scientist believes that there is such …
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There is a battle going on between the swordfish and the shark in the Mediterranean Sea. The experts aren’t sure whether sharks killed by swordfish are due to an accident or a deliberate killing over a fight for territory and/or prey animals. Prey animals are …
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It is suggested that climate change has caused the highest toll of shark attacks in Australian waters for 86 years. Nick Slater, a local and well regarded estate agent and surfer is the last to be killed, on this occasion, by a great white shark. …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.