Picture of hammerhead shark with amputated fin makes me sick of humans

Hammerhead shark dying in the oceans because they've taken its dorsal fin away for shark fin soup.

This picture on Twitter of a hammerhead shark with their dorsal fin missing as it has been amputated by cruel fishermen selling shark fins to the shark fin soup businesses makes me thoroughly sick of humankind. Frankly, when I see this sort of picture, I …

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People rescue a great white shark that beached itself chasing a seagull (video)

Shark rescued from beech at Cape Code.

Location: Cape Cod, Massachusetts. How did they know it was chasing a seagull and got too excited! And are sharks sometimes this careless? Was the shark ill? Or did they lose their bearings because of sonar used by submarines? A lot of questions and no …

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Post Category: Marine wildlife