10% of the world’s bird species could be extinct within 200 years

Elephant bird

I am reliably told that there are approximately 11,000 bird species worldwide today, 2024. The number is based on modern taxonomic studies including those conducted by organisations like Birdlife International and The International Ornithological Congress. The species are spread across a wide range of habitats …

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Planting trees may not slow climate change as much as was thought for these reasons

Planting trees may not slow climate change as much as was thought

We know that trees absorb carbon dioxide and water and through the process of photosynthesis they create glucose which supports the tree. Essentially, they remove carbon dioxide, a global warming gas, from the atmosphere and therefore planting trees should help protect the planet from long-term …

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China’s coal burning killing upwards of 64,000 babies in the womb each year

China has conflicting policies

NEWS AND OPINION: A Chinese study has found that China’s polluted air is killing upwards of 64,000 babies in the womb each year. The research comes from Peking University and is published in Nature Communications. China is ranked fourth in the world for the deaths …

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World’s vital signs indicate great stress from humans

Our planet is in our hands

Humans are putting the planet under great stress as indicated by the world’s vital signs. The news today is that life on Earth is under siege from humans according to scientists and as reported in The Independent newspaper. We know about the record temperatures such …

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Post Category: Climate change