Hot water is killing dolphins in large numbers in the Amazon River

The water is too hot for dolphins in the Amazon river and they are dying in large numbers

NEWS AND COMMENT-LAKE TEFE, AMAZON RIVER, BRAZIL: It has been put down to global warming as the primary reason for the death of 120 river dolphins in the Amazon River together with thousands of fish of other species. The scientists are still working on the …

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Millions of dead fish blanket the Darling River, Australia due to climate change and mismanagement

Millions of dead fish blanket the Darling River in Australia due to mismanagement and climate change.

There is a pretty shocking photograph on the Internet today of millions of small dead fish blanketing the Darling River in western New South Wales which has clearly become uninhabitable. The fish species are herring, perch and carp for example. One local person, Graeme McCrabb …

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Fish endure prolonged suffering due to a failure to stun them before slaughter

Caught fish in British coastal waters

I am troubled about fish. I eat fish because like millions of others I like it and it is nutritious. But I’m troubled with the way humankind relates to fish in terms of catching them and killing them. We seem to think that they are …

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Post Category: Animal cruelty