Mystery respiratory disease affecting dogs in Oregon and other US states. Not known if it is viral or bacterial

Mystery respiratory disease affecting dogs in Oregon and other states and they don't know whether it is viral or bacterial in origin.

NEWS AND COMMMENT: Online, there are disturbing reports about a mystery respiratory disease affecting more than 200 dogs in Oregon and the report is that other states are affected. The worrying aspect of this disease is that at this stage the experts don’t know whether …

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Eulogy after the death aged 3 of the world’s tallest dog, Zeus, makes me sick

Zeus - world's tallest dog died at 3.

The blindness of humans to what they are doing knows no bounds. The delusional behavior of humans is extraordinary. Humans are so wrapped up in their self-indulgent activities that they just don’t see it or get it. I am referring to the recent death of …

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The French bulldog money pit and dogflation

French bulldog is expensive to care for

French bulldog is a shocker The French bulldog can cost around £1,740 to insure in the UK because they are probably the unhealthiest dog breed. They suffer from 21 inherited diseases. Or perhaps it’s more than that but let’s just say that it is an …

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5 dog breeds you should know more about before you buy

12-week-old cockapoo is adorable when being professionally groomed

Ben the Vet has made a really nice TikTok video about five dog breeds that people frequently underestimate. What he means is that people who want to buy a dog are sometimes attracted to these five dog breeds mainly because their appearance is so impressive …

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One of Australia’s leading greyhound trainers kicks, punches, drags and beats puppies and dogs

Greyhound trainer kicks greyhound

The Animal Save Movement on Twitter says this about the video: This footage was recently filmed over a 2.5-week period at the property of one of Australia’s leading greyhound trainers. It shows dogs and puppies being kicked, punched, dragged and beaten. If this is the …

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Rescued sailor gives away his faithful dog Bella but he doesn’t have to

Tim Shaddock and Bella after his rescue

This is a well-reported story in the news media about an IT specialist, Tim Shaddock, who decided to try and sail from Mexico to French Polynesia in a catamaran with his dog; a journey that went horribly wrong 1,200 miles off the coast where he …

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3 US representatives introduce bill to ban cyanide bombs

M-44 Device, Guy Connolly, US, Department of Agriculture National

NEW AND VIEWS – UNITED STATES: What is a cyanide bomb? It sounds obnoxious and it is. It’s spring-loaded device filled with sodium cyanide used to kill predatory animals and ‘pest species’. The Center for Biological Diversity tells me that cyanide bombs are used under …

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Animal Rising plan to disrupt the Greyhound Derby final at Towcester Racecourse on July 1st

Greyhound racing

In a protest against the abuses suffered by racing greyhounds in the UK after they are no longer useful as racers, the animal rights group, Animal Rising, have announced on Twitter their plan to disrupt the Greyhound Derby final at Towcester Racecourse on July 1st, …

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Post Category: Dogs > abuse