Labour party promises to eliminate foxhunting for good to win over rural voters

Labour vows to end foxhunting for good and win over rural voters when elected at the next general election

As a freethinking animal advocate, I am delighted to read that the Labour Party in the UK has promised to end foxhunting for good within its first term after the forthcoming general election which Labour is expected to win with a substantial majority. Polls indicate …

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Children should be prevented from attending foxhunting activities as it grooms them


NEWS AND COMMENT: A-list celebrities who are animal advocates, namely Ricky Gervais, Twiggy, Sir Mark Rylance, Peter Egan, Amanda Abbington, Gemma Atkinson, the sailor Tracey Edwards, the television presenter Kirsty Gallacher, and the singer Shirley Kemp are urging the British government to ban children from …

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Ontario’s extremist sport hunters enjoy ‘penned dog hunting’

Penned dog hunting in Ontario is cruel and objectionable

This is another form of gratuitous violence against wild animals enjoyed by a small section of society in Ontario, Canada; the extremist sport hunters. They are a blood thirsty lot, aren’t they? Without morals and any vestige of sensitivity towards the sentience of animals. Their …

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Post Category: Foxes > feeding foxes