Britain is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world according to the environment minister

NEWS AND OPINION: Britain is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world according to the present government’s environment minister, Steve Reed. The Labour government is freshly in place and they have promised to take a fresh look at the wildlife blueprint for the …

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Farmers and climate change blamed for huge fall in insect numbers in UK

UK - 37 decline in insects in general from 1970-2019

The UK is suffering from a catastrophic decline in insect numbers and it is believed that this is due to farming and climate change. Research has been conducted by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. The researchers found that from 1970 to the end of …

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Mystery of serial offender dumping animal carcasses in villages?

Serial offender may be dumping animal bodies in villages

Residents in Broughton, Hampshire were left shocked and disturbed when dozens of dead animals were callously dumped outside a village shop. This incident marks the second sick attack targeting the area. The gruesome scene included bloodied carcasses strewn across the streets and pavements, with an eerie twist: the offenders had impaled an owl and kestrel on the …

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Labour party promises to eliminate foxhunting for good to win over rural voters

Labour vows to end foxhunting for good and win over rural voters when elected at the next general election

As a freethinking animal advocate, I am delighted to read that the Labour Party in the UK has promised to end foxhunting for good within its first term after the forthcoming general election which Labour is expected to win with a substantial majority. Polls indicate …

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