In The Sunday Times today, in the letters to the editor section, there is a discussion on King Charles III’s endorsement of homeopathy, an alternative or complementary medicine which he favours. He has appointed Dr. Michael Dixon as the new head of the royal medical …
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Yes, it is legal to own a fox in the UK. The reason is as follows. The fox is specifically “excepted” meaning not subject to the rules regarding the keeping of dangerous wild animals as set out in two pieces of British legislation namely: The …
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The homeopathic mange treatments for foxes that I am using are Psorinum and Arsenicum & Sulphur. I have yet to try the latter but have used the former and can confirm that it works nicely. It is gentle too and it does not put the …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.