The beauty of the UK is being despoiled, polluted and destroyed at an unprecedented rate

Packham's march in central London

The beauty of Geat Britain is in its landscape and in its nature; the wildlife. This green and pleasant land is so often no longer green and pleasant. And the UK government has done far too little to protect the UK’s wildlife. We are in …

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Greta Thunberg pleaded not guilty to a public order offence at Westminster Magistrates’ Court

Greta Thunberg pushed and shoved as she enters court to plead not guilty

NEWS AND COMMENT: Greta Thunberg was arrested at a climate change protest near the Intercontinental Hotel in Mayfair on 17th October, as were other protesters. She’s brave like that. Today she attended the Westminster Magistrates’ Court where she pleaded not guilty to breaching section 14 …

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Retired lawyer and university professor shoots dead on camera two environmental campaigners who had blocked the road

Darlington shoots the first campaigner. He shoots the second soon afterwards.

NEWS AND COMMENT: This shooting took place on the Pan-American Highway in the Chame district about 50 miles north-west of the capital, Panama City. The story is extraordinary and appears to be an example of a respectable man totally losing his cool. The shooting was …

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Greenpeace stage dramatic protest at major oil conference in London and Greta is arrested

Thunberg arrested at a London protest

NEWS AND COMMENT: Greenpeace staged a dramatic protest in support of taking steps to curb global warming when they unfurled a massive banner on the Intercontinental London hotel hosting a meeting of high-profile oil executives. It’s is the annual Energy Intelligence Forum, with speakers including …

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Greta Thunberg backs wind turbine protestors on human rights issues

Fosen windfarm is a breach of human rights

NEWS AND COMMENT: We would all have thought that Greta Thunberg, the world’s most high-profile climate change activist, would support wind farms. They are unsightly but they are very environmentally friendly. They use nature to create energy although they kill birds and can disturb ground-living …

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SUVs are a climate disaster and EV SUVs damage roads

Tyres drilled and destroyed at Jaguar Exeter by Tyre Extinguishers

The car manufacturers continue to make huge SUVs both with conventional power units – petrol and diesel – and battery-powered. The latter have to be huge to house batteries large enough to provide sufficient mileage as they have to move a 2-ton vehicle! The petrol …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > behaviour