10% of the world’s bird species could be extinct within 200 years

Elephant bird

I am reliably told that there are approximately 11,000 bird species worldwide today, 2024. The number is based on modern taxonomic studies including those conducted by organisations like Birdlife International and The International Ornithological Congress. The species are spread across a wide range of habitats …

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Providing correct habitat is key for bird conservation

Red-backed shrike

In Sussex, UK, a nice bit of successful bird conservation is taking place. It concerns the butcher bird (or butcherbird) – the red-backed shrike – which was abundant across England and Wales in the 19th century. Pressure from egg collectors and intensified agricultural practices caused …

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Saudi Arabia’s revolutionary mega city The Line will be a deadly barrier for billions of migrating birds

Saudi Arabia's The Line

The Times reports on Saudi Arabia’s revolutionary mega city which is being heavily promoted online. It is a spectacular concept which captures the imagination. It is currently being built. A lot of people thought it wouldn’t get this far. It’s going to be 500 m …

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Northern bald ibises taught to migrate south by surrogate mothers piloting microlights

Northern bald ibis

This is a great story all about the best in humankind. The northern bald ibis was hunted to extinction in Europe in the Middle Ages. The bird habitually migrates south from northern Europe, as I understand it. A project concerning the conservation of this bird …

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Cuckoos are out of sync with their victims’ nesting clocks due to global warming

The cuckoo

Cuckoos travelling to the UK are out of sync with their victims’ nesting clocks due to global warming which is bringing spring earlier. Scientific American reported last year that spring in the UK arrived a month earlier than in the 1980s and that the trend …

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Intensive farming harms bird life more than climate change and urbanisation

Intensive farming harms birds

A study has concluded that intensive farming harms bird life more than climate change and urbanisation. And intensive farming is becoming increasingly necessary as the human population grows. The UK is particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon as the country’s population is growing rapidly mainly due …

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Post Category: Birds > albatross