Gray squirrel gut bacteria gives them an edge over red squirrels

Grey squirrel has gut bacteria which makes it better able to survive compared to the red squirrel

Research indicates that gray squirrels can outcompete red squirrels and the reason why they have pushed the red squirrel out of large parts of England is because they have better gut bacteria. It sounds improbable but gray squirrel gut bacteria suggests that they can digest …

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Statistics on emergency department treatment of dog injuries in the USA

Dog bite statistics USA

A study published in 1998 sheds some light on the incidence of emergency department treatment of dog bites in America. The researchers took the data from the 1992-94 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Centre for Health …

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Scientists have identified the genetic changes which altered our skeleton in our evolution from apes to humans

Accelerated evolution of genes controlling bones of great apes 2 million years ago leading to humans

This is not about the human-animal relationship which is the prime topic of this website but about the human-animal and our evolution from the great apes. Scientists at a number of institutions and universities – primarily Texas University and Columbia – have identified the genetic …

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Post Category: Humans > behaviour