In Britain, gene-edited chickens have been created which makes them resistant to the H9N2-UDL strain of bird flu. Bird flu has decimated poultry and wild birds in recent years in the UK. Also, bird flu is a zoonosis and can be transferred from birds to …
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The current plans to de-extinct and re-wild the dodo calls into question the motivation. And there are ethical issues as well. I always think that if humankind wants to de-extinct species such as the dodo or the Tasmanian tiger or indeed the woolly mammoth, it …
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It is clear from this story that humans have a lot to learn about the way genes work together to affect behaviour in sentient beings. American scientists wanted to use Crispr (gene-editing) to try and make Syrian hamsters more friendly. They thought that if they …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.