Gray squirrel gut bacteria gives them an edge over red squirrels

Grey squirrel has gut bacteria which makes it better able to survive compared to the red squirrel

Research indicates that gray squirrels can outcompete red squirrels and the reason why they have pushed the red squirrel out of large parts of England is because they have better gut bacteria. It sounds improbable but gray squirrel gut bacteria suggests that they can digest …

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American sweets are toxic to kids and millions are imported into the UK

American sweets imported into the UK such as Jolly Rancher contain additives which are illegal in the UK such as erythrosine which can cause hyperactivity in children.

The standard of manufacturer of American sweets is lower than in Great Britain. There is a worrying development in Great Britain because you might have noticed that there are many American candy stores dotted around the country particularly in London where, frankly, they’ve been outlawed …

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Cigarette-style warnings on meat products could reduce meat consumption

Cigarette style warning on meat products curbs eating them

A study has found that adding cigarette-style warnings to meat products could help to put off consumers from buying the products and therefore reduce meat consumption. The research took place at Durham University. The participants were less likely to choose a meal which included meat …

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Man gives paralyzed dachshunds a life by taking them to a doggy park for a walk with wheels

Dachshunds with hind leg paralysis due to selective breeding are taken to doggy park for a walk with wheels

A man rescues dachshunds who’ve lost the use of their hind legs and takes them to the park for a doggy wheel walk. This is a special bloke who appears to have committed himself to rescuing and adopting dachshunds who’ve lost the use of their …

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Hibernating bears don’t develop deep vein thromboses yet humans can develop one when flying economy class

Hibernating bear

The deep vein thrombosis does not trouble the hibernating bear. And yet, sometimes when humans take an economy class flight for a few hours they run the risk of developing a deep vein thrombosis. What is the difference between a bear and a human under …

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Antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals occurs together

Globally, the association between antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) between human and animals goes both ways.

In a recent study, the scientists concluded that “globally, the association between antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) between human and animals goes both ways”. My understanding is that they mean that if humans consume too many antibiotics it works against them because the pathogens, …

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Post Category: Marine wildlife