This article is about animals because multicellular eukaryotic organisms are animals and mites are within that definition. They are parasitic invertebrates. They burrow under the skin causing a tunnel with a raised surface and develop into blisters that spread across the body. The point of …
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Scientists have found a suite of bioactive compounds in specific corals and sponges which were secreted and which helped to treat skin problems in dolphins. Some of these secretions had antibacterial properties. And it is said that some of these compounds seem to act like …
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Yes, it is legal to own a fox in the UK. The reason is as follows. The fox is specifically “excepted” meaning not subject to the rules regarding the keeping of dangerous wild animals as set out in two pieces of British legislation namely: The …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.