You may know that maggots are very efficient at cleaning up wounds and repairing them as the feed on dead tissue. There’s been a slight resurgence in their use in NHS hospitals in the UK. They were first used during the First World War when …
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It is perhaps an opportune moment to discuss the gruesome medicine of mediaeval times in the UK including treatment for gout (stuffed puppy) because gout complaints have risen by 15% in the UK after the Covid pandemic. It is believed that the increase has been …
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A modified version of a substance found in fruits and vegetables, the water-soluble compound succinyl rutin, can delay the effects of a bite from the Bothrops jararaca (pit viper, common in South America). This species of snake is responsible for most of Brazil’s 26,000 snake …
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Yes, it is legal to own a fox in the UK. The reason is as follows. The fox is specifically “excepted” meaning not subject to the rules regarding the keeping of dangerous wild animals as set out in two pieces of British legislation namely: The …
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