Risk of diabetes rises when eating red meat twice weekly

Two portions per day of red meat including processed meats such as burgers and sausages increases the risk of developing type II diabetes by 62% according to an American study from Harvard University.

The Times reports today on a study which found that eating red meat twice a week significantly increases the risk of developing type II diabetes. It’s the most recent study to identify a link between red meat and diabetes. The scientists work out of Harvard …

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The delicious taste of bacon outweighs animal welfare

How we treat farm livestock

The photograph on Twitter X says it all: The comments to the image are instructive: But I love bacon… Everyone loves bacon. AND Just had a bacon cheeseburger. Mmmmmm That’s the point: humans won’t give up their bacon and cheeseburgers in the interests of animal …

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Non-human animals are subjected to a 3 trillion holocaust every year

Holocaust used to describe the killing of 3 trillion animals annually for human consumption

Piers Morgan objects to the use of the word ‘holocaust’ when describing the brutal killing of 3 trillion individual animals every year for human consumption because he says it will offend people. The impressive young woman in the video below makes a good argument for …

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Novak Djokovic is NOT completely vegan

All the websites on the Internet are telling me that Novak Djokovic is a vegan. His diet is certainly fantastic and super-healthy. It requires self-discipline which he has in abundance. However, a recent article in The Times following his victory at The French Open tells …

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“Opposing dog meat consumption is hypocritical” – Weibo users discuss dog meat

Yulin cat and dog meat festival

In China an estimated 10 million to 20 million dogs are killed annually for the dog meat industry in the country. In the UK around 10 million pigs are killed annually for consumption. This statistic provides a comparison. Dogs in China can be considered to …

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