It is very hard to find a nice balance between competing interests in respect of wolf conservation in Europe and it is getting harder as the human population in general climbs. In the more densely populated European countries such as The Netherlands there is arguably …
The headline is, “Wolf cull lacks teeth, say shepherds.” But animal advocates argue that there should be no cull at all. The wolf’s presence divides Europe. Wolves were hunted to extinction in France in the 20th century. There were given protected status in Italy and …
Firstly, I’ll briefly describe cultivated meat. It is also known as lab-grown meat. It is created through a process called cellular agriculture or cellular-based meat production. A small sample of animal tissue (cells) are taken from a living animal. The most common cells are muscle …
Ferrari’s prancing horse emblem was inspired by the Royal horse breed called the Persano. This is a breed known for its fighting spirit. But it almost died out completely; almost became extinct but has been saved by Sicilian Prince Prince Alduino Ventimiglia di Monteforte. Alduino …
Twitter feeds a customised list of tweets to users. I know that. But it doesn’t make it any easier to digest. What is wrong with humans that they have to be so consistently cruel to animals? A lot of people don’t think about animal cruelty …
The person who posted this picture of a ‘maialino’ for sale at what appears to be a butchers in Italy said this: “This says it all!!!!! What is wrong with this broken society.” And look at the value that humankind has placed on this baby …
NEWS AND COMMENT-ITALY: This is brilliant news for anybody interested in animal welfare. All of us should be but that is another story. Italy’s senators have decided to close Italy’s last mink farms. The designers of clothes have moved away from including fur in their …
CALABRIA, ITALY-NEWS AND COMMENT: Italian police swooped on a farmhouse in Delianuova, Calabria, in the toe of Italy, to seize 730 illegal marijuana plants. This part of Italy is the home of the powerful Ndrangheta Mafia. While in the farmhouse they stumbled upon bags of …
Big words indeed. And bold aspirations. There are plans to make the Tuscan city of Lucca more animal friendly, to integrate, through town planning and management, domestic animals into the residents’ lifestyle. This is going one step further than the usual: town administrators being concerned …