Sicilian Prince saves royal horse breed ‘Persano’ from extinction

Persano horse ridden by Prince Alduino who saved the breed from extinction

Ferrari’s prancing horse emblem was inspired by the Royal horse breed called the Persano. This is a breed known for its fighting spirit. But it almost died out completely; almost became extinct but has been saved by Sicilian Prince Prince Alduino Ventimiglia di Monteforte. Alduino …

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What’s wrong with humans? Two tweets of animal cruelty.

What is wrong with humans?

Twitter feeds a customised list of tweets to users. I know that. But it doesn’t make it any easier to digest. What is wrong with humans that they have to be so consistently cruel to animals? A lot of people don’t think about animal cruelty …

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First European city with an integrated policy on human-animal cohabitation

Lucca, Tuscany

Big words indeed. And bold aspirations. There are plans to make the Tuscan city of Lucca more animal friendly, to integrate, through town planning and management, domestic animals into the residents’ lifestyle. This is going one step further than the usual: town administrators being concerned …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans