Pup-pampering South Koreans choose dog companions over human partners. Infographic explains.

South Koreans prefer to live with a dog than a human

The infographic highlights the trend of South Koreans favoring dog companionship over human partners for various reasons, which poses significant challenges for the South Korean government regarding future economic growth due to the country’s lowest birth rate of 0.7 per woman, whereas a rate of …

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National Crime Agency trained dogs to sniff the rubber of dinghies smuggled across the border between Bulgaria and Turkey

Dogs trained to sniff rubber deployed at the border crossing between Turkey and Bulgaria to detect dinghies used in people smuggling from France to the UK

NEWS AND COMMENT: In a further attempt to slow down the large number of illegal migrants crossing the English Channel from northern France to Kent in rubber dinghies provided by people smugglers, the British government is in discussions with Bulgaria and Turkey in seizing rubber …

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Springer Spaniel guided owner to her lost cat who had fallen down a mine shaft six days earlier

Daisy and Mowgli

Daisy, a springer spaniel, as being called a ‘hero hound’ mimicking Lassie. It is indeed a storyline worthy of the well-known animal film star Lassie. Michele Rose, 59, lives with Daisy, the springer spaniel and Mowgli, a black-and-white cat and Baloo another cat. Mowgli went …

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