Mystery of serial offender dumping animal carcasses in villages?

Serial offender may be dumping animal bodies in villages

Residents in Broughton, Hampshire were left shocked and disturbed when dozens of dead animals were callously dumped outside a village shop. This incident marks the second sick attack targeting the area. The gruesome scene included bloodied carcasses strewn across the streets and pavements, with an eerie twist: the offenders had impaled an owl and kestrel on the …

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Russia guilty of ecocide in their illegal invasion of Ukraine

Destroyed trees Ukraine

A lot has been written about Russia’s murder of more than ten thousand innocent civilians (and 17,000 injured) as a consequence of their illegal invasion of Ukraine when shelling and bombing apartment blocks for instance or through individual executions. And their forced deportation of children …

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Embedded negligence can sometimes cause mistaken killings of animals at shelters in America

Animal shelter dog leads

Nathan Winograd is right. He reports on at least 12 dogs being “mistakenly” killed “without approval” at the Wichita Animal Shelter run by the Wichita police department. The police department called the event regrettable and said that they were launching an investigation. It’s the usual …

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Salami seller shot a friendly, rare bear in Italy and received death threats

Amarena a rare Mariscan bear shot dead

NEWS AND VIEWS – San Sebastiano Dei Marsi, Abruzzo, Italy: Yes, the killer of a village bear is receiving death threats. The man, Andrea Leombruni, is also receiving police protection after he opened fire with a shotgun on Thursday night when Amarena, and her two …

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Immuno-contraception by oral vaccination of feral cats in Australia

GnRH plays a key role in reproduction.

Why don’t the Australian authorities use immuno-contraception (IC) by vaccination to control the population feral cats in Australia which prey on native species and which annoy the Australian authorities so much? The vaccination could be given orally. And it seems to me that theoretically it …

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Rhodes wildfires killing animals and there are indications of arson

Rhodes wildfires are destroying the habitat of animals and killing them. There are reports of possible arson.

NEWS AND VIEWS – GREECE: The wildfires on the island of Rhodes, Greece, are all over the news media today because they are horrific. In the newspaper that I am reading, The Times, the articles concern the evacuation of tourist resorts by hordes of British …

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Non-human animals are subjected to a 3 trillion holocaust every year

Holocaust used to describe the killing of 3 trillion animals annually for human consumption

Piers Morgan objects to the use of the word ‘holocaust’ when describing the brutal killing of 3 trillion individual animals every year for human consumption because he says it will offend people. The impressive young woman in the video below makes a good argument for …

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Post Category: Insects