Farmers and climate change blamed for huge fall in insect numbers in UK

UK - 37 decline in insects in general from 1970-2019

The UK is suffering from a catastrophic decline in insect numbers and it is believed that this is due to farming and climate change. Research has been conducted by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. The researchers found that from 1970 to the end of …

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Shipped flowers from Kenya are ‘greener’ than vertically farmed European flowers

Vertical farming

By ‘greener’ I don’t mean the color green but a lower carbon footprint! A UK florist, Bloom & Wild is planning to fly in flowers from Kenya as it claims that doing this has a lower carbon footprint than buying flowers grown under artificial heat …

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Intensive farming harms bird life more than climate change and urbanisation

Intensive farming harms birds

A study has concluded that intensive farming harms bird life more than climate change and urbanisation. And intensive farming is becoming increasingly necessary as the human population grows. The UK is particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon as the country’s population is growing rapidly mainly due …

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Welsh farmer, Gareth Wyn Jones, received death threats for talking about a farming practice

Gareth Wyn Thomas

The Times reports today that a sheep farmer, Gareth Wyn Jones, received death threats when he posted a video showing how to skin a dead lamb to make a mother adopt an orphaned lamb. This is a traditional method. The video demonstrates how the skin …

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Animal advocates in despair over cruel plan to farm octopuses in Gran Canaria

Octopus farm

NEWS AND OPINION: This is about the ethics of marine wildlife farming, specifically the ethics of farming an intelligent, sentient creature which is what the octopus is. And the experts say that it is impossible to farm the octopus humanely because of their intelligence and …

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Post Category: Animal Advocates