Welsh farmer, Gareth Wyn Jones, received death threats for talking about a farming practice

Gareth Wyn Thomas

The Times reports today that a sheep farmer, Gareth Wyn Jones, received death threats when he posted a video showing how to skin a dead lamb to make a mother adopt an orphaned lamb. This is a traditional method. The video demonstrates how the skin …

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Out-of-control dog drives 28 lambs to their deaths in a stream

Nicola Robinson found the lambs dead in a stream in Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, UK

NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a story about the need for dog owners to keep their dogs on a lead in areas where livestock are nearby. And I think, too, it might be linked to rampant dog adoptions during Covid-19 by people who really were …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

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