Wildlife conservation in the UK is in a dire state

We need more and better conservation

NEWS AND COMMENT: The Times today reports that one in six British species face extinction with some bright spots amid the gloom in respect of the Eurasian Beaver, Red Kite and Cartilage lichen. The environmental editor of the newspaper tells us that one in five …

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All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people

Exponential human population growth since 10,000 BC. Screenshot.

Sir David Attenborough says on his website that, “All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder – and ultimately impossible – to solve with ever more people.” He isn’t the only one who thinks that. But Melanie Phillips writing in …

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Cuckoos are out of sync with their victims’ nesting clocks due to global warming

The cuckoo

Cuckoos travelling to the UK are out of sync with their victims’ nesting clocks due to global warming which is bringing spring earlier. Scientific American reported last year that spring in the UK arrived a month earlier than in the 1980s and that the trend …

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Voluntary state-administered mass euthanasia of the elderly will improve the planet and benefit wildlife

Plan 75

Celebrated actress Chieko Baishô plays an elderly woman who signs up for a government initiative encouraging senior citizens to be voluntarily euthanised to counter the challenges of a super-aged society. Plan 75 is a Japanese film which paints a plausible vision in the near future …

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Infographic on ‘all humans weigh 18 times more than all wild mammals on land combined’

All humans weigh almost 18 times more than all wild animals on land combined

Note the astonishing headline and the interesting fact that domestic dogs weigh 20 times more than pet cats. Ants do well too! Livestock kept by humans and mammals that would not exist but for livestock such as rats have a combined weight of 630 million …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > population growth