Woman feels glad to be alive after being attacked by a snake AND a hawk simultaneously

Woman attacked by a snake and a hawk in Texas

NEWS AND COMMENT-Texas, USA: Peggy Jones, 64, feels that she is lucky to be alive after – in a very strange and unusual incident – she was attacked by both a snake and a hawk simultaneously. She was mowing her backyard lawn. Something very normal …

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Peregrine falcons ate less pigeons during Covid in London, UK

During Covid-19 lockdowns there were less people feeding pigeons which meant less pigeons for falcons to eat

You will find peregrine falcons in London, UK. They nest in St Paul’s Cathedral for instance, high up towards its pinnacle. They are protected. During Covid-19 there were less people wandering around London. There were less people to feed the pigeons which is a pastime …

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Post Category: Birds > birds of prey