American XL bully owners are abandoning or euthanizing them because of the impending ban

Killing XL bully dogs because of the UK ban.

NEWS AND COMMENT-UK: This is a follow-up to the original American XL bully story which perhaps the world knows about now namely that the UK government is going to ban this type of dog (it is not a registered breed) following far too many attacks, …

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Voluntary state-administered mass euthanasia of the elderly will improve the planet and benefit wildlife

Plan 75

Celebrated actress Chieko Baishô plays an elderly woman who signs up for a government initiative encouraging senior citizens to be voluntarily euthanised to counter the challenges of a super-aged society. Plan 75 is a Japanese film which paints a plausible vision in the near future …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > behaviour