All the articles on this Maggie Smith story are full of praise for her – which I fully understand as it is great to see her modelling – but they do not clarify if the coat she is modeling is fake or real fur. To …
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For a person like me – an animal advocate and somebody who simply detests the fur trade and the traders – these protesters are heroes. You have to be pretty brave to walk into a fur sale in what appears to be a hotel and …
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NEWS AND COMMENT-ITALY: This is brilliant news for anybody interested in animal welfare. All of us should be but that is another story. Italy’s senators have decided to close Italy’s last mink farms. The designers of clothes have moved away from including fur in their …
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The government of Israel has banned the sale of fur in the fashion industry. In doing so, they are the first country to outlaw fur clothing I am told although there is a weakness in their new policy which is that there is an exemption …
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NEWS AND OPINION: The law regarding the importation of animal fur into the UK is highly complicated. I know that the European Union banned cat and dog fur in around 2009. But I also know that animals are bred in captivity in the European Union …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.