What’s wrong with humans? Two tweets of animal cruelty.

What is wrong with humans?

Twitter feeds a customised list of tweets to users. I know that. But it doesn’t make it any easier to digest. What is wrong with humans that they have to be so consistently cruel to animals? A lot of people don’t think about animal cruelty …

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What is the origin of horse-brasses?

Horse-brass protecting the horse against evil forces by reflecting the sun's rays

Today horse-brasses are entirely decorative; adorning heavy horses at horse shows. However, their role is far more than decorative or it used to be. They are protective amulets defending horses against evil spirits. They are a remnant of ancient pagan beliefs. They can almost be …

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Bull shark bit off his right hand and leg and he now wants to save sharks from extinction

Diver whose hand and leg were bitten off by a bull shark wants to save them

Australian Paul de Gelder is a former Navy bomb disposal diver. He said: “[I] had my life changed in a very violent, painful and dramatic way.” He lives in California and was training in Sydney Harbour in February 2009 when he was attacked by a …

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Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles: Speciesism - 'them and us' | Cruelty - always shameful
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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Horses