California’s municipal shelters must release dogs to animal rescue organizations

Dog shelter worker

The infographic from the No Kill Advocacy Center spells out the obligations of California’s municipal shelters when there is a request from an animal adoption or rescue organization to take a dog or dogs. There are only three very specific circumstances under which the municipal …

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Brucella canis is a new zoonosis in the UK contracted from dogs

Wendy Hayes and her rescue dogs.

Brucella canis is a zoonosis. It is a zoonotic disease. It is a bacterial infection which can be transferred from animal to person. It has happened for the first time when Wendy Hayes contracted the disease from a rescue dog she was fostering in 2022. …

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Embedded negligence can sometimes cause mistaken killings of animals at shelters in America

Animal shelter dog leads

Nathan Winograd is right. He reports on at least 12 dogs being “mistakenly” killed “without approval” at the Wichita Animal Shelter run by the Wichita police department. The police department called the event regrettable and said that they were launching an investigation. It’s the usual …

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Post Category: Dogs > abuse