Study suggests that mobile apps can be used to enrich the lives of parrots

A recent study conducted by researchers at Northeastern University, including Rébecca Kleinberger and undergraduate Megan McMahon, has shown that parrots can indeed benefit from playing tablet games. The study involved a group of 20 pet birds, ranging from small species like green-cheeked parakeets to the …

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Climate change is making children depressed

Kids depressed over climate change

I have generalised in the title but I want to make the point that the adult humans of this planet through their carelessness and lack of foresight have led children down the path of global warming which is making them depressed. It is the children …

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New theory on why dolphins beach themselves

Beached dolphins

‘Cetacean stranding’ is the technical term for beached whales and dolphins. They normally die because of dehydration or collapsing under their own weight and they might end up drowning when high tide covers their blowholes. There have been several theories as to the cause. If …

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Young male dogs are more likely to have ADHD-like ‘mental health’ issues

Border Collie - attentive dog

If you believe that ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) is genuine and some people don’t, a University of Helsinki research study found that young male dogs are more likely to suffer from this condition than other dogs. This is in line with humans. Domestic dogs can …

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Post Category: Entertainment