Entrancing story in video of the rescue of a puppy first followed by her mother

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Entrancing story in video of the rescue of a puppy first followed by her mother
Entrancing story in video of the rescue of a puppy first followed by her mother

I have watched the video from start to finish which is very rare for me and I was entranced by it. Great video. Charming and sad with a nice ending. The sad part is that the mother and puppy were surviving for a long time in the urban environment without a home.

The puppy was rescued first. They needed to be brought together which is what happened. They are a very close couple with the puppy still acting like a puppy, not really having grown up.

Nice people too. Can’t leave them out of the story. But for them there’d be no dog rescue at all.

RELATED: Stuffed and roasted puppy a cure for gout in mediaeval times

Things have moved on from Medieval times but there is still lots of work to do to improve animal welfare and there are still places in the world where Medieval superstitions abound. What about China for instance where cat meat has some sort of bizarre medicinal benefit. No, it does not. It is pure superstition and there is no science to support it.

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