Sir Brian May, has, for many years, been advocating the end of the culling of badgers in the UK as a means to control bovine TB. He has very cogent arguments which state that it is ineffective. And he says that vaccinations are more effective …
I didn’t know this and I suspect others don’t know about it either. This year’s flu jab protects against H1N1 and other common seasonal flu strains. To be clear, it is a vaccine against swine flu and that’s important. It’s rather strange that I wasn’t …
Brucella canis is a zoonosis. It is a zoonotic disease. It is a bacterial infection which can be transferred from animal to person. It has happened for the first time when Wendy Hayes contracted the disease from a rescue dog she was fostering in 2022. …
NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA: This is an example of zoonosis which is a health problem of increasing concern for humans. A zoonosis is an infectious disease that has jumped from a non-human animal to humans. In this instance the disease takes the form of an endoparasite …