Sound up. Male chicks thrown out alive with the garbage. Listen to their cries and remember.

Male chicks thrown out alive with garbage

This is the message that you can’t as a decent meat-eating person ignore: go vegan. And I say that as a meat-eater. But over a period of about 8 years, I have gradually weaned myself of meat. I still eat a small amount of chicken …

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DON’T watch this video of a piglet crying out for their mum. JUST DON’T.

All the devils are on planet Earth

PETA UK – Crying out for their mum, quivering on a faeces-soaked floor, struggling with all their might to stand up – remember them next time you see bacon. I can’t add many more words. It’s too damaging to my mental health. It’s is pure …

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Putting calves in tiny enclosures after being torn from their mums is cruel and unproductive

Calves separated from their mothers are placed in tiny enclosures

PETA says: Dairy farming is a cruel industry that profits from the exploitation and suffering of animals. Mother cows and their calves are separated, the milk meant for these babies is taken for human consumption (bad idea – see end of page). Go vegan. I …

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Piglet tail docking is unethical from two standpoints

Piglet tail-docking

Just like dogs, pigs use their tails to express their emotions, wagging them when happy and hiding them between their legs when they are stressed or scared. Yet this [tail docking] is done to piglets without aesthetic. – Kim Rathbone on Twitter I’ve just bumped …

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The most frightening film you can watch is what happens to animals destined to become “meat”

Become vegan

Become a vegan. Even though I was raised on meat and two veg and therefore it is deeply embedded in my psyche, I am gradually tearing myself away from that state of mind. This picture is mind bending. It gave me goose bumps. It pushed …

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Welsh farmer, Gareth Wyn Jones, received death threats for talking about a farming practice

Gareth Wyn Thomas

The Times reports today that a sheep farmer, Gareth Wyn Jones, received death threats when he posted a video showing how to skin a dead lamb to make a mother adopt an orphaned lamb. This is a traditional method. The video demonstrates how the skin …

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Antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals occurs together

Globally, the association between antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) between human and animals goes both ways.

In a recent study, the scientists concluded that “globally, the association between antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) between human and animals goes both ways”. My understanding is that they mean that if humans consume too many antibiotics it works against them because the pathogens, …

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Post Category: Dogs > Canine Health