Eulogy after the death aged 3 of the world’s tallest dog, Zeus, makes me sick

Zeus - world's tallest dog died at 3.

The blindness of humans to what they are doing knows no bounds. The delusional behavior of humans is extraordinary. Humans are so wrapped up in their self-indulgent activities that they just don’t see it or get it. I am referring to the recent death of …

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Wolves have bigger brains than dogs but more recent selective breeding has counteracted this

Brain size of dogs

A recent study has come to the conclusion that the domestication of the wolf reduced the brain size of dogs which is understandable because domestic dogs nearly always have everything done for them. They don’t need to face the challenges that wolves have to face. …

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Man gives paralyzed dachshunds a life by taking them to a doggy park for a walk with wheels

Dachshunds with hind leg paralysis due to selective breeding are taken to doggy park for a walk with wheels

A man rescues dachshunds who’ve lost the use of their hind legs and takes them to the park for a doggy wheel walk. This is a special bloke who appears to have committed himself to rescuing and adopting dachshunds who’ve lost the use of their …

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French Bulldog breed standard in America and the UK is a mess and abused by breeders

French bulldog

I’ve been digging around looking at the breed standards for the French Bulldog both in the UK and the USA. In the UK it is The Kennel Club which sets the breed standard and, in the USA, the American Kennel Club also sets a breed …

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Origin of the donkey and breeding by the Romans

Donkey mosaic from Roman times

There is an interesting report in the journal Science concerning a study on the origin of the donkey and how it was selectively bred by the Romans later on. They researched the relationship between geographic regions and donkey genes (phylogeography). Donkeys are social animals. You …

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PETA successfully compels Moonpig to pull pug cards from sale

Peta forces Moonpig to pull pug cards from sale

NEWS AND COMMENT: under pressure from PETA, Moonpig has withdrawn cards featuring pugs and French Bulldog from sale. In truth, there has been pressure for a long time against manufacturers exploiting the popular but unhealthy faces of pugs and French bulldogs and other similar dog …

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British veterinarian tells the truth about 5 popular dog breeds

Ben the vet criticises 5 dog breeds

Ben the TikTok vet, makes it clear, quite rightly, at the outset that he is providing his personal viewpoint on these five dog breeds. He is playing safe which is fair enough. But when a veterinarian spells out the truth about five dog breeds – …

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Wolves howl, dogs howl less and some dog breeds hardly howl at all

Howling is hard-wired into ancient dog breeds but much less so in modern breeds

The dog population is made up of purebred and random bred dogs and hybrids. I don’t know the exact breakdown as it is unclear but there are far more purebred dogs than there are purebred cats as a percentage of the whole. And research indicates …

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Pugs have the most insatiable appetite of all dog breeds

Pugs are the worst over-eaters

According to a study by the Royal Veterinary College, pugs are 3.1 times more likely than crossbred dogs to be overweight due to overeating. And The Times reports that they have the most insatiable appetite relative to their ability to burn off energy. In short, …

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Post Category: Dogs