This is an infographic on “First animals emerged 1.5 billion years earlier than thought”. I won’t add more words as the infographic was a little tricky although I created in while on the phone to my bank! 🤣😱. The phone call lasted around 30 minutes. …
NEWS AND COMMENT: A new genetic analysis of more than 3000 living people has suggested that there was a bottleneck between 800,000-900,000 years ago on the planet and during this time our ancestors, the forebears of the human race today, almost became extinct with a …
This is not about the human-animal relationship which is the prime topic of this website but about the human-animal and our evolution from the great apes. Scientists at a number of institutions and universities – primarily Texas University and Columbia – have identified the genetic …
Chinese scientists have been studying the fossilised remains of an injured paw of an early race of sabertooth tigers which lived between 8.7 and 9.8 million years ago. These were early “versions” of the sabertooth tiger which became extinct about 11,000 years ago. The sabertooth …
Perhaps this is something we already realise and if that is the case this study confirms it. Mammals in groups live the longest. The study found a link between the social organisation of mammals and their life spans. This is a Chinese study by researchers …
Chimpanzees and bonobos use dozens of gestures to communicate with each other. They might be a request or an instruction. For example, as you can see in the Infographic below, a scratching movement across a chimpanzee’s torso means “please groom me”. Or a directed push …
A research study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, reveals that the Puerto Rican crested anole (a small green-brown lizard) has evolved over a very short period of 80 years to better survive in the human environment. The scientists looked …
Everybody is familiar with the accident at reactor four of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. There is a film about it which is excellent by the way. It released the largest amount of radioactive material into the environment in human history. And still, …
If ever you had doubts about the way evolution works to create a camouflaged coat to enhance the prospects of survival of the world’s wild species, this photo should dispel those doubts. Some people still don’t believe in evolution. But it’s entirely factual because the …