Burning wood pellets in the UK from trees felled in the US is a FLAWED process for curbing global warming

Wood pellet burning power station

I am always astonished and deeply disturbed to read that in the UK, taxpayers are funding what I describe as a deeply flawed process designed to curb climate change but in my view which makes matters far worse. The whole concept is frankly sheer madness. …

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Sea Life London Aquarium say their facility is vet approved. Animal advocates hate it.

Sea Life London Aquarium

A group of animal activists/advocates/celebrities under the umbrella of the wildlife charity Freedom for Animals have claimed that the penguins at Sea Life London Aquarium live under conditions which are unacceptable and where there is “no daylight, no fresh air, and just a pitiful pool …

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Lenient sentences handed down to owners whose dogs injure or kill people in the UK

Lenient sentences handed down to owners whose dogs injure or kill people in the UK

The Times conducted an investigation which revealed that lenient sentences are being handed down to owners whose dogs injure or kill people in the UK. One example is published today by the newspaper, Tuesday, August 15, 2023. Blizzard attacks Kyra It concerns the parents of …

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Rhodes wildfires killing animals and there are indications of arson

Rhodes wildfires are destroying the habitat of animals and killing them. There are reports of possible arson.

NEWS AND VIEWS – GREECE: The wildfires on the island of Rhodes, Greece, are all over the news media today because they are horrific. In the newspaper that I am reading, The Times, the articles concern the evacuation of tourist resorts by hordes of British …

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2 psychopathic sport hunting killers in an infographic

2 psychopathic sport hunters

Yes, I have insulted them. Deliberately not carelessly. Yet, my insult is factually correct so they can’t sue me for defamation. Definition of psychopathic: psychopathy is characterised by an extreme lack of empathy. They may lack conscience or guilt, and refuse to accept responsibility for …

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I am baffled by kids who try and drown a stray dog for fun. How bad can it get?

Kids try and drown a dog

This is a video on Twitter. I don’t know the background. It appears to be America. It appears to show two teenage kids who have bumped into a stray dog on the street who is submissive and compliant. They use that quality to abuse the …

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Post Category: Dogs > abuse