Sea Life London Aquarium say their facility is vet approved. Animal advocates hate it.

Sea Life London Aquarium

A group of animal activists/advocates/celebrities under the umbrella of the wildlife charity Freedom for Animals have claimed that the penguins at Sea Life London Aquarium live under conditions which are unacceptable and where there is “no daylight, no fresh air, and just a pitiful pool …

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China’s fake zoo animals

Is this a real sun bear or a man in a costume at Hangzhou Zoo?

近日杭州动物园“人里人气”引发热议。许多网友传该黑熊是由真人假扮,7月29日杭州动物园工作人员出面辟谣,表示“里面绝对不可能是真人”。大家怎么看? This is the Google translation of the above Chinese which is the caption to the video below: “Recently, the “popularity” of Hangzhou Zoo has sparked heated discussions. Many netizens rumored that the black bear was disguised as a real person. On July 29, the …

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