Sexual behaviour with the same-sex in the animal world is about keeping the peace

Gay animals?

There is quite a lot of discussion on the Internet about whether companion animals can be gay and looking wider to all other animals it is an interesting thought as to whether they can be ‘gay’ as is the case in humans. Some recent research …

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Endangered species’ poop could help fight diabetic foot ulcers

Guinea baboons

The Times reports on a University of Sheffield article describing research that they have done on using the poop of endangered animals to kill certain bacterial species including superbugs which are resistant to antibiotics and which cause diabetic foot ulcers. Apparently, diabetics can suffer from …

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Scientists have identified the genetic changes which altered our skeleton in our evolution from apes to humans

Accelerated evolution of genes controlling bones of great apes 2 million years ago leading to humans

This is not about the human-animal relationship which is the prime topic of this website but about the human-animal and our evolution from the great apes. Scientists at a number of institutions and universities – primarily Texas University and Columbia – have identified the genetic …

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Apes copied humans fighting at a Beijing zoo

Apes copy (imitate) human actions

OPINION: The story is that a group of visitors to a zoo in Beijing, China – the Beijing Wildlife Park – started to physically fight, including women as you can see in the infographic below. It was over a triviality but what is not trivial …

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If animals had a religion, humans would be the DEVIL!!!

Shackled primate in Asia

That is absolutely disgusting. I weep for that poor animal. – comment on Twitter. OMG – what sh*t. What horrors people get up to. I don’t want to sound racist. I want to be respectful of different cultures and races but this is obviously Asia …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Animal cruelty