Young male dolphins may practice their flirtation skills together so that when they grow up, they are better at finding a mate. Research indicates that the more time that young male dolphins engage in play with other youngsters, the more likely it was that they …
NEWS: Fishermen are outraged by a four-week ban on trawler fishing to protect dolphins in the Bay of Biscay. A fisherman based in the port of Lege-Cap-Ferret, Olivier Argelas said: “It’s really brutal of the government to bar us from working for a month. Fishing …
NEWS AND COMMENT-LAKE TEFE, AMAZON RIVER, BRAZIL: It has been put down to global warming as the primary reason for the death of 120 river dolphins in the Amazon River together with thousands of fish of other species. The scientists are still working on the …
The answer to the question in the title is currently believed to be no, but please read on. There is one highly qualified scientist and author who is able to answer the question in the title with precision. His name is Dr Arik Kershenbaum. He …
NEWS/OPINION: This is another story about the dangers of leaving plastic rings in the environment. It is a story about plastic pollution and careless humans. The victim? Wildlife of course. And many species of wildlife can be affected. My research indicates that this was an …
Dolphins have to shout at each other when trying to communicate as underwater noise has increased substantially because of increased human activity over the past decades. Sound travels well underwater which exacerbates the problem. In preindustrial times the oceans were much quieter than they are …
‘Cetacean stranding’ is the technical term for beached whales and dolphins. They normally die because of dehydration or collapsing under their own weight and they might end up drowning when high tide covers their blowholes. There have been several theories as to the cause. If …
Music helps dolphins to live in harmony according to a recent study. Researchers from the University of Padua in northern Italy used underwater speakers to play classical music to 8 bottlenose dolphins housed in a dolphinarium. There were five females and three males aged 5-49 …
Citizens of New York and marine biologists, and I expect conservationists, are excited to see bottlenose dolphins showing up in the city’s harbour. They have been drawn to the city by cleaner water and good stocks of Atlantic menhaden (a forage fish described as ‘the …