The answer to the question in the title is currently believed to be no, but please read on. There is one highly qualified scientist and author who is able to answer the question in the title with precision. His name is Dr Arik Kershenbaum. He …
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This is about the use of words and particularly the description of a certain group of animals; in this case, companion animals which are non-traditional and which are often described as ‘exotic pets’. It has taken a while for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association …
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The participating dogs in a study on how they perceive different languages spoken by their owner and others required that their brains were MRI scanned while listening to two different languages. They were trained to keep completely still in order for a successful MRI scan …
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The word ‘hack’ in the context of horses refers to a horse that is for hire or is used for simple riding work. It describes a standard course of moderate quality unsuited to hunting or other specialised purposes or activities. The word originates from the …
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PETA wants us to stop using the words “pet” and “ownership” in relationship to being the caretaker of a companion animal. In the last sentence I use the alternative versions of the words “pet” and “owner”. They want us to change our habits because the …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.