Moving the ‘communication needle’ will drive change to renewable energy and curb global warming

Curbing global warming is about moving the communication needle

The communication needle About a year ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke about moving the “communication needed” not the “political needle” in respect of motivating politicians and businesses to take rapid and real steps in curbing climate change through infrastructure construction. And he decided, correctly in my …

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Are sounds that animals use to communicate with each other considered to be “words”?

Dr Arik Kershenbaum

The answer to the question in the title is currently believed to be no, but please read on. There is one highly qualified scientist and author who is able to answer the question in the title with precision. His name is Dr Arik Kershenbaum. He …

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Chimpanzee gestures can be understood by fellow primates such as humans

Gestures by chimpanzees and bonobos can be understood by humans, a fellow great ape

Chimpanzees and bonobos use dozens of gestures to communicate with each other. They might be a request or an instruction. For example, as you can see in the Infographic below, a scratching movement across a chimpanzee’s torso means “please groom me”. Or a directed push …

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Dolphins shout to be heard over human-created ocean background noise

Dolphins have to shout to be heard over human-made ocean noise.

Dolphins have to shout at each other when trying to communicate as underwater noise has increased substantially because of increased human activity over the past decades. Sound travels well underwater which exacerbates the problem. In preindustrial times the oceans were much quieter than they are …

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Post Category: Birds > communication