Peanut at 21 years of age is the world’s oldest chicken thanks to human love and caregiving and good genes

"Peanut" is the world's oldest living chicken and a celebrity

NEWS AND COMMENT: Peanut, the chicken, is in the news today because she is the extraordinary age of 21 which is more than twice the usual age of a chicken with an average of around 7-10. She holds a Guinness World Record of the oldest …

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“Intelligent dogs are not nicer pets” says scientist investigating canine intelligence

Intelligent dogs are not nicer pets

Katriina Tiira of the University of Helsinki is leading the largest study on canine cognitive ability. The study has not been completed. It is work in progress and therefore there is no report as yet. But Katriina and her team have already assessed about 5,000 …

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Post Category: Intelligence