It is ironic that people use the phrase “pig ignorant” to denigrate stupid people or people who are acting stupidly. Arguably the people who use this phrase are being stupid themselves because pigs are smart. The late Stanley Curtis, a US professor of animal sciences, …
Katriina Tiira of the University of Helsinki is leading the largest study on canine cognitive ability. The study has not been completed. It is work in progress and therefore there is no report as yet. But Katriina and her team have already assessed about 5,000 …
What do you think? All I can say is that, for me, this is a charming video. The woman says that her rats make a happy. It is a statement with which you can’t argue and you can only be happy for her. Did my …
NEWS AND COMMENT: For the record, Roman Abramovich has a pet corgi ostensibly worth around £950. The way that the Daily Mail report is written, it indicates that this is his sole companion animal. And the value is the price of the corgi. He was …
Lamorne Morris does a good job of giving the impression that he loves being around his Exotic Shorthair pet cat, Ferguson, in the sitcom “New Girl” in which he plays Winston Bishop. Ferguson is a brown tabby-and-white Exotic (as the cat fancy like to call …
This is an Infographic which is headed with the title “The Most Expensive Pets in the World”. It is dated 2022. The date is important because prices go up universally and perpetually because of inflation. Inflation is a natural consequence of capitalism. The person who …
This sign on the front door of a pet shop is self-explanatory. I don’t know where the shop is but it probably does not matter as the problem will be similar anywhere, I suspect. It is a reminder as to the disposability of pet animals …
NEWS AND VIEWS: Florida’s lawmakers are set to ban the tethering of pets and leaving them unsupervised. A bill is currently being debated: Senate Bill 650. There is full support on both sides of the house. An influential group voiced their opposition: the National Rifle …
A GERMAN VILLAGE NEAR DETMOLD: Hans Dieter Neuber, 82, is a lucky man. Every day he receives a visit from Sigrid, a beautiful hen in a hi-viz jacket. They have a relationship and an informal agreement. You might call it a contract. She wonders across …