A recent study has come to the conclusion that the domestication of the wolf reduced the brain size of dogs which is understandable because domestic dogs nearly always have everything done for them. They don’t need to face the challenges that wolves have to face. …
A study conducted by lead scientist Dr. Christoph Völter and colleagues at the University of Vienna, came to the conclusion that dogs might have a “theory of mind”. The concept of “theory of mind” concerns the human capacity (and exceedingly rarely the capacity of animals) …
It is ironic that people use the phrase “pig ignorant” to denigrate stupid people or people who are acting stupidly. Arguably the people who use this phrase are being stupid themselves because pigs are smart. The late Stanley Curtis, a US professor of animal sciences, …
Katriina Tiira of the University of Helsinki is leading the largest study on canine cognitive ability. The study has not been completed. It is work in progress and therefore there is no report as yet. But Katriina and her team have already assessed about 5,000 …
Particularly when it comes to being given food, dogs can identify human competence. What the scientists who carried out the study mean is that dogs can recognise people who are more able to provide them with food. That is my interpretation of this study as …